Sunday, April 4, 2010


It's been many days since I last wrote something. You get up earlier than the chickens, do your first workout, get ready for work, go to work, come home, do your 2nd workout then call it a day. There's no time to keep the blog updated! Until you realize, I watched TV for at least an hour. What a waste of time. I also realized, I don't write the blog for you, I don't write it for me. I write for Isaiah. He doesn't complain, he just goes about his day dealing with life and the unfair cards he's been dealt.

Another reason for my frustration...
To date, I've seen no donation assistance for this cause except for me and a couple people who've never even met Isaiah or have Autism touch them in any way. At the same time, I've seen family members donate to the girl scouts, the annual local school kids selling their goods and other causes. Don't get me wrong, these things are important but are any of these things more important to this family than the disease that effects one of us? How many countless hours have YOU spent shopping on the internet, watching TV... and you can't take 5 minutes to donate a single dollar to help one of our family members. I don't get it.

Well, even through the frustration I've still been able to focus on training. My fitness level is the best it's been in 2o years. I'm to the point now where I actually look forward to running a 10k. Finding a swimming venue is still posing a challenge. I know I can do the bike leg, I'm pretty confident I can complete the run but the swimming is still the unknown. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

annette said...

I think it is a awesome commitment to make to somthing you believe in and someone you love dearly!!! WAY TO GO !! (just hope you are not too old) :)