Wednesday, March 10, 2010

578 days to go


It's important to be familiar with the symptoms and signs of Autism. In the last 20 years Autism has increased dramatically (it's important to note: some "experts" believe some of the increased diagnosis are due to a change in the definition of Autism. However, everyone agrees the number of children effected has gone up). Awareness is important so the child AND THE PARENT can get help as soon as possible. It's human nature to ignore the signs because no parent wants to admit there child has a fault. This is due to fear not neglect. Autism-help is a great resource for education. I recommend everyone, even if you do not have children of your own, get as educated as possible.


This is a new section of the blog. Since the goal of this blog is for Autism Awareness, this section will related to Autism but I hope everyone can find benefit.


There is growing evidence that many people with autism are sensitive to certain food products. This is also true for people who do not have Autism. The most common food products to which this sensitivity develops are grains (e.g., wheat, rye, oats) and dairy products (e.g., milk, cheese, whey). Other foods, which are often consumed during the spring and summer, are strawberries and citrus fruit. Food sensitivities are considered by many people as allergies in that one's immune system is overly reactive to these substances. Food sensitivities may be responsible for numerous physical and behavioral problems, such as headaches, stomachaches, feeling of nausea, bed-wetting, appearing 'spaced out,' stuttering, excessive whining and crying, sleeping problems, hyperactivity, aggression, sound sensitivity, temper tantrums, fatigue, depression, ntestinal problems (i.e., gas, diarrhea, constipation), muscle aches in the legs, ear infections and possibly seizures.

If you're starting a weight loss program or are experiencing any of the above systems, it could be food allergies. This is easily my most successful attempt at getting healthier. Some may say it's because of the amount of workouts I do each week. But, for those of you who've known me for for a while can attest, this cardio work is pretty normal for me. I believe the success I'm having is because I write down everything that goes in my mouth. I compare that with how I felt during my workout. This tells me what foods are good for me and which ones to stay away from. Of course, you'll find the foods you crave the most are the one's you'll need to stay away from. No more pancakes and waffles for me :-(


We have confirmed donations totaling $100.00. It may seem small but it'll grow exponentially. Thank for all your help.

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