Wednesday, March 3, 2010

584 days to the Ironman

I'm going to take you back a couple days.

Sunday, Feb. 28
My friends Alex and Ken joined me in riding the Chilly Hilly. 32 miles, 2800 ft of elevation gain. It's nothing like a stage of the Tour de France but for 3 hacks... pretty challenging.
Later that night Gina, Serg and I was watching a program about the 2004 Ironman. There was a guy in the event, who lost 7 men from his military unit. He was competing to raise money for those men's children. My beloved wife said, "Honey, you should try that". That's what got this thing started.

Monday, March 1
Happy Birthday little brother Mark!
Road 20 miles today and followed it up with a 4 mile run. My legs were pretty sore when I started (thanks Chilly Hilly). The bike ride was pretty good. A few hills but not overly challenging. However, the run was painful. My quads started cramping during the run at about mile 2. On a downhill of all things. But, this project is for Isaiah. He goes through much more everyday than some cramps. I can fight through this. And, I did. Thank you Isaiah.

Tuesday, March 2
No workout today. My legs needed the rest. Today was a focus on nutrition. Gina made a great kale dish. If any of you are interested. Let me know and I'll post a link to the recipe. Although I didn't do any cardio today, my lovely wife got on her bike for 20 minutes.

Wednesday, March 3
I have to go to Richland, WA for the next couple of days. I need to be on the road by 0700 so I was up at 0445. Took care of Grandpa then on the bike for an hour. Plan to run and swim tonight.

Lolly, thanks for the encouraging email and donation to the Autism Research Institute. You were the first to help our fight.

Please keep in mind, this is about Autism and Isaiah's fight. He is my inspiration! What we go through everyday is nothing. You can find stories about how this disorder affects families all over the web. This is just one of the many.

Last thing today. I just kind of write this stuff as I go. Whatever comes to mind is what goes on the blog. Again, I'm not doing it for me it's for the cause so, if you have any ideas about something you want to see on the blog, let me know. I'm open to suggestion. And, as my friend Morrie knows, I need all the help I can get with this stuff.

Thanks everyone. God Bless You All!

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