Friday, March 5, 2010

582 Days to the Ironman


Most infants and young children are very social creatures who need and want contact with others to thrive and grow. They smile, cuddle, laugh, and respond eagerly to games like "peek-a-boo" or hide-and-seek. Occasionally, however, a child does not interact in this expected manner. Instead, the child seems to exist in his or her own world, a place characterized by repetitive routines, odd and peculiar behaviors, problems in communication, and a total lack of social awareness or interest in others. These are characteristics of a developmental disorder called autism.

This is an excerpt from a document I found on the web. To download a .pdf of the entire article, click HERE.


As of today, we've received many kind reply's and words of encouragement. But, NO MONEY!!!
This thing doesn't work if we can't raise any money.

I've been told that I can "Brow Beat" people into anything. Well, The brow beating will commence NOW! I don't care if you don't follow anything I do but I must have your support with the fund-raiser. Come on people. Even if it's only a dollar it'll help.


Today I ran a 5k this morning before work and biked a 50k after work. In case you haven't noticed, there's a reoccurring theme here. I have not yet swam. At all. A triathlon consist of SWIM, Bike and Run. The swim is more difficult than both the bike and run together. If I don't start getting to water soon. This is going to be a short lived goal.

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